Results for 'Peter W. Kalivas'

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  1.  22
    Where have all the peptides gone?Peter W. Kalivas - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):218-219.
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  2. Structured Propositions as Types.Peter W. Hanks - 2011 - Mind 120 (477):11-52.
    In this paper I defend an account of the nature of propositional content according to which the proposition expressed by a declarative sentence is a certain type of action a speaker performs in uttering that sentence. On this view, the semantic contents of proper names turn out to be types of reference acts. By carefully individuating these types, it is possible to provide new solutions to Frege’s puzzles about names in identity- and belief-sentences.
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    Paradox, truth and logic part I: Paradox and truth.Peter W. Woodruff - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (2):213 - 232.
  4.  29
    The Political Unconscious.Peter W. Lock & Fredric Jameson - 1981 - Substance 11 (2):73.
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    Migration Justice and Legitimacy.Peter W. Higgins - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (3):425-433.
    In order for a state to rightfully exercise self-determination by means of setting policies concerning migrants and migration, they must be legitimate, Gillian Brock argues in _Justice for People on the Move_. Legitimacy, in Brock’s view, requires that states satisfy three (jointly sufficient) conditions: they must respect their own citizens’ human rights; they must be a part of a legitimate state system; and they must adequately contribute to the maintenance of this state system. In her new book, Brock also argues (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Sophistic Movement.Peter W. Rose & G. B. Kerferd - 1982 - American Journal of Philology 103 (4):450.
  7.  85
    The rights and duties of immigrants in liberal societies.Peter W. Higgins - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (11):e12527.
    What legal rights and duties immigrants should have is among the most ferociously debated topics in the politics of liberal societies today. However, as this article will show, there is remarkably little disagreement of great magnitude among political theorists and philosophers of immigration on the rights and duties of resident immigrants (even in contrast to the closely related philosophical discussion of justice in immigrant admissions). Specifically, this article will survey philosophical positions both on what legal rights immigrants (documented permanent residents, (...)
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  8. The location problem for color subjectivism.Peter W. Ross - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (1):42-58.
    According to color subjectivism, colors are mental properties, processes, or events of visual experiences of color. I first lay out an argument for subjectivism founded on claims from visual science and show that it also relies on a philosophical assumption. I then argue that subjectivism is untenable because this view cannot provide a plausible account of color perception. I describe three versions of subjectivism, each of which combines subjectivism with a theory of perception, namely sense datum theory, adverbialism, and the (...)
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    A Sideways Look at Faithfulness for Quantum Correlations.Peter W. Evans - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (1):28-42.
    Despite attempts to apply causal modeling techniques to quantum systems, Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model purporting to explain quantum correlations must be fine tuned; it must violate the assumption of faithfulness. This paper is an attempt to undermine the reasonableness of the assumption of faithfulness in the quantum context. Employing a symmetry relation between an entangled quantum system and a “sideways” quantum system consisting of a single photon passing sequentially through two polarizers, I argue that Wood and (...)
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    Capitalism in “Wealthy Hellas”?Peter W. Rose - 2019 - Arion 26 (3):141-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Capitalism in “Wealthy Hellas”? PETER W. ROSE Josiah ober has taken on the very ambitious task of analyzing a vast swath of ancient Greek history— precisely the periods—as his opening quotation from Byron (1) implies—most admired by those who have devoted any time to the study of Greek antiquity: Fair Greece! sad relic of departed worth! Immortal, though no more! Though fallen, great!1 At the same time, again (...)
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    Neglect of awareness.Peter W. Halligan & John C. Marshall - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (3):356-380.
    We describe some of the signs and symptoms of left visuo-spatial neglect. This common, severe and often long-lasting impairment is the most striking consequence of right hemisphere brain damage. Patients seem to (over-)attend to the right with subsequent inability to respond to stimuli in contralesional space. We draw particular attention to how patients themselves experience neglect. Furthermore, we show that the neglect patient's loss of awareness of left space is crucial to an understanding of the condition. Even after left space (...)
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  12. On characterizing the development of speech perception.Peter W. Jusczyk - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 199--229.
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    Logic and truth value gaps.Peter W. Woodruff - 1970 - In Karel Lambert (ed.), Philosophical problems in Logic. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 121--142.
  14. Qualia and the Senses.Peter W. Ross - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (205):495-511.
    How should we characterize the nature of perceptual experience? Some theorists claim that colour experiences, to take an example of perceptual experiences, have both intentional properties and properties called 'colour qualia', namely, mental qualitative properties which are what it is like to be conscious of colour. Since proponents of colour qualia hold that these mental properties cannot be explained in terms of causal relations, this position is in opposition to a functionalist characterization of colour experience.
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  15. The accidentality of esse according to Giles of Rome.Peter W. Nash - 1957 - Gregorianum 38:103-115.
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  16. An appropriate conception of teaching science: A view from studies of science learning.Peter W. Hewson, Hewson A'B. & G. Mariana - 1988 - Science Education 72 (5):597-614.
  17. A dilemma about necessity.Peter W. Hanks - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (1):129 - 148.
    The problem of the source of necessity is the problem of explaining what makes necessary truths necessarily true. Simon Blackburn has presented a dilemma intended to show that any reductive, realist account of the source of necessity is bound to fail. Although Blackburn's dilemma faces serious problems, reflection on the form of explanations of necessities reveals that a revised dilemma succeeds in defeating any reductive account of the source of necessity. The lesson is that necessity is metaphysically primitive and irreducible.
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  18.  49
    How clocks define physical time.Peter W. Evans, Gerard J. Milburn & Sally Shrapnel - unknown
    It is the prevailing paradigm in contemporary physics to model the dynamical evolution of physical systems in terms of a real parameter conventionally denoted as 't' ('little tee'). We typically call such dynamical models laws of nature' and t we call 'physical time'. It is common in the philosophy of time to regard t as time itself, and to take the global structure of general relativity as the ultimate guide to physical time, and so consequently the true nature of time. (...)
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  19. Speech perception.Peter W. Jusczyk & Paul A. Luce - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler (eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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  20.  29
    Ethical Reasoning Observed: a longitudinal study of nursing students.Peter W. Nolan & Doreen Markert - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (3):243-258.
    All nursing courses in the UK include ethics in the curriculum, although there is considerable variation in the content of ethics courses and the teaching methods used to assist the acquisition of ethical reasoning. The effectiveness of ethics courses continues to be disputed, even when the perceptions and needs of students are taken into account in their design. This longitudinal study, carried out in the UK, but with implications for nurse education in other developed countries, explored the ethical understanding of (...)
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  21. Phonology and phonetics, acquisition of.Peter W. Jusczyk - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group. pp. 3--645.
  22.  11
    Taking the Body as Model -Lyotard and Reflection-.Peter W. Milne - 2019 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 141:203-226.
    본고는 반성에 대한 리오타르의 후기 저작 두 가지를 논한다. 리오타르는 그의 칸트 독해에서 반성 개념에 대해 논한 바 있다. 본고는 그 중 칸트의 숭고미에 대하여 를 리오타르의 보다 이전의 저술인 비인간 에 포함된 에세이, “Si l’on peut penser sans corps” 와 관련하여 논한다. 이는 칸트의 반성에 대한 리오타르의 보다 자세한 논의인 칸트의 숭고미에 대하여 를 보다 넓은 차원에서 이해하고자 하는 시도이다. 이를 위해 본고는 후기 리오타르 사상에서 주요하게 등장하는, 사유와 신체 모두와 연관을 맺는 정념 개념에 주목한다.
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    Quantum Causal Models, Faithfulness, and Retrocausality.Peter W. Evans - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3):745-774.
    Wood and Spekkens argue that any causal model explaining the EPRB correlations and satisfying the no-signalling constraint must also violate the assumption that the model faithfully reproduces the statistical dependences and independences—a so-called ‘fine-tuning’ of the causal parameters. This includes, in particular, retrocausal explanations of the EPRB correlations. I consider this analysis with a view to enumerating the possible responses an advocate of retrocausal explanations might propose. I focus on the response of Näger, who argues that the central ideas of (...)
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    Speculative and practical.S. J. †peter W. Robinson - 1968 - Heythrop Journal 9 (1):037–049.
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    Gemeinschaft, Normativität, Praxis.Peter W. Niesen - 1991 - ProtoSociology 1:87-99.
    This article surveys recent literature on Wittgenstein's "Rule-following considerations" most notably S. Kripke's, C. McGinn's, and G.P. Baker's and P.M.S. Hacker's contributions. I argue that the normativity requirement in rule-following is to be located not in transtemporal but interpersonal sameness of meaning, and that the community-view is false when viewed as a condition on correct rule-following, but true when viewed as providing criteria for the possibility of rule-following.
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  26. Explaining motivated desires.Peter W. Ross - 2002 - Topoi 21 (1-2):199-207.
    I examine a dispute about the nature of practical reason, and in particular moral reason, generated by Thomas Nagel's proposal of an internalist rationalism which claims we can explain motivation in terms of reason and belief alone. In opposition, Humeans contend that such explanations must also appeal to further desires. Arguments on either side of this debate typically assume that a rationalist or Humean conclusion can be reached independently of a claim about the nature of moral judgment. I'll maintain, to (...)
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    Model of conditioning incorporating the Rescorla-Wagner associative axiom, a dynamic attention process, and a catastrophe rule.Peter W. Frey & Ronald J. Sears - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (4):321-340.
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  28. How Wittgenstein Defeated Russell’s Multiple Relation Theory of Judgment.Peter W. Hanks - 2007 - Synthese 154 (1):121 - 146.
    In 1913 Wittgenstein raised an objection to Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgment that eventually led Russell to abandon his theory. As he put it in the Tractatus, the objection was that “the correct explanation of the form of the proposition, ‘A makes the judgement p’, must show that it is impossible for a judgement to be a piece of nonsense. (Russell’s theory does not satisfy this requirement,” (5.5422). This objection has been widely interpreted to concern type restrictions on the (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Indeterminancy of identity of objects and sets.Peter W. Woodruff & Terence D. Parsons - 1997 - Philosophical Perspectives 11:321-348.
  30.  9
    Nicholas E. Lombardo, The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God.Peter W. Martens - 2015 - Journal of Analytic Theology 3:218-222.
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    Origen against history? Reconsidering the critique of allegory.Peter W. Martens - 2012 - Modern Theology 28 (4):635-656.
  32. A constraint on coreferentiality.Peter W. Culicover - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (1):109-118.
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  33. Naming names in telling tales.Peter W. Nesselroth - 1996 - In Calin Andrei Mihailescu & Walid Hamarneh (eds.), Fiction updated: theories of fictionality, narratology, and poetics. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 133--43.
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  34. Assessment of mental imagery.Peter W. Sheehan, R. Ashton & K. White - 1983 - In Anees A. Sheikh (ed.), Imagery: Current Theory, Research, and Application. Wiley. pp. 189--221.
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  35. Hypnosis considered as an altered state of consciousness.Peter W. Sheehan - 1979 - In Geoffrey Underwood & Robin Stevens (eds.), Aspects of consciousness. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1.
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    Giles of Romes on Boethius' "Diversum est esse et id quod est".Peter W. Nash - 1950 - Mediaeval Studies 12 (1):57-91.
  37.  44
    The Meaning of Est in the Sentences (1152-1160) of Robert of Melun.Peter W. Nash - 1952 - Mediaeval Studies 14 (1):129-142.
  38. Perspectival objectivity.Peter W. Evans - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-21.
    Building on self-professed perspectival approaches to both scientific knowledge and causation, I explore the potentially radical suggestion that perspectivalism can be extended to account for a type of objectivity in science. Motivated by recent claims from quantum foundations that quantum mechanics must admit the possibility of observer-dependent facts, I develop the notion of ‘perspectival objectivity’, and suggest that an easier pill to swallow, philosophically speaking, than observer-dependency is perspective-dependency, allowing for a notion of observer-independence indexed to an agent perspective. Working (...)
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    Early Wittgenstein on judgement.Peter W. Hanks - 2012 - In José L. Zalabardo (ed.), Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 37.
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  40. On Constructive Nonsense Logic.Peter W. Woodruff - 1973 - In Sören Halldén (ed.), Modality, morality and other problems of sense and nonsense. Lund,: Gleerup. pp. 192.
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    On supervaluations in free logic.Peter W. Woodruff - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):943-950.
  42.  10
    Status and subscribing: a response to Schwitzgebel.Peter W. Hewson & John Lemberger - 1999 - Science & Education 8 (5):507-523.
  43. The Content–Force Distinction.Peter W. Hanks - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):141-164.
  44.  54
    Delusions and theories of belief.Michael H. Connors & Peter W. Halligan - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 81:102935.
  45.  48
    Ancient drama illuminated by contemporary stagecraft: Some thoughts on the use of mask and ekkykl¿ma in Ariane mnouchkine's le dernier caravansérail and sophocles' ajax.Peter W. Meineck - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (3):453-456.
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    Awareness and knowing: Implications for rehabilitation.Peter W. Halligan - 2006 - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 16 (4):456-473.
  47. The Centrality of Metaphors to Biblical Thought: A Method for Interpreting the Bible.Peter W. Macky - 1990
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  48. Color science and spectrum inversion: A reply to Nida-Rumelin.Peter W. Ross - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (4):566-570.
    Martine Nida-Rümelin (1996) argues that color science indicates behaviorally undetectable spectrum inversion is possible and raises this possibility as an objection to functionalist accounts of visual states of color. I show that her argument does not rest solely on color science, but also on a philosophically controversial assumption, namely, that visual states of color supervene on physiological states. However, this assumption, on the part of philosophers or vision scientists, has the effect of simply ruling out certain versions of functionalism. While (...)
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  49.  60
    The Two Sides of Interventionist Causation.Peter W. Evans & Sally Shrapnel - manuscript
    Pearl and Woodward are both well-known advocates of interventionist causation. What is less well-known is the interesting relationship between their respective accounts. In this paper we discuss the different perspectives of causation these two accounts present and show that they are two sides of the same coin. Pearl’s focus is on leveraging global network constraints to correctly identify local causal relations. The rules by which global causal structures are composed from distinct causal relations are precisely defined by the global constraints. (...)
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    A note on JP'.Peter W. Woodruff - 1970 - Theoria 36 (2):183-184.
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